Premium translations for low prices

At Budgettranslations, we strive to provide the best quality translations for the lowest possible price. Our prices vary due to several factors and most freelance translators will adjust their price for each individual quote depending on the level of difficulty and deadline of the text. If they are busy their prices can go up, so in order to avoid this we select a translator with a light workload and therefore a normal tariff. This is possible because our sophisticated internal systems enable us to know exactly which translators in our database of more than 1500 Danish specialists are available at any specific point in time. If you were to arrange the translation yourself, you may have to call twenty different translators to find this same information, after which you still could not be 100% certain as to whether you had found the right translator. After all, anyone who speaks a foreign language can call themselves a ‘translator’.

Professional translators

At Budgettranslations, we hand-pick experienced translators who have adequate training in the field to work for us. They are dedicated, reliable experts who take their job seriously. When selecting translators we pay particular attention to:

Instant quotation
Danish translation service
  • price levels
  • experience in different subjects
  • relevant Danish translation courses
  • positive references
  • speed of delivery
  • knowledge of languages

The translator needs to have a good affinity with the subject in hand in order to deliver a quality translation, as well as needing to be fluent in the source language and a native speaker of the target language. Our translators also live in the country where the target language is spoken.

Instant quotation

Free quote

As our freelance translators also work over the weekend and in the evenings, a fast turnaround time is always guaranteed.

For a free quote, please upload your document on the right of this page. If you would like to speak with one of our project managers, please call our London office now on (020) 3807 4476.

United Kingdom Danish translation service
Norge Nederlandsk – Dansk
Österreich Niederländisch-Dänisch-Übersetzungen
Danmark Oversættelser fra hollandsk til dansk
Schweiz Übersetzungen aus dem Niederländischen ins Dänische
Россия Услуги перевода на датский язык
España Servicio de traducción holandés - danés
Deutschland Übersetzungen aus dem Niederländischen ins Dänische