The Danish language with the translation agency Budgettranslations

General information about the Danish language

Although Denmark is only about 16,562 sq. mi in size and only has about 5.5 million inhabitants, it has its own language that continues to grow in popularity. Danish is spoken both in Denmark and Greenland and belongs to the Scandinavian language group. These languages resemble each other very much. There are three letters that identify the Scandinavian language of Danish. The most well-known is the crossed out O. We only offer translations into and from Danish done by native translators. These people have grown up with the target language as their first language and are familiar with its unique features. This is the only way for a text to be translated professionally. So that your Danish translation is not only orthographically correct, our translators provide relevant know-how in varying subject areas. That’s how we can always guarantee the high quality for which our translations are known. Give us a try and request a non-binding quote. Simply send us an email with the text you would like translated. At the end, you will receive all of your important information in return by email. We will gladly advise you by phone as well.

Danish grammar

In Danish grammar, there is no neutral gender, only masculine and feminine. Also, there are only two definite and indefinite articles each. The articles are "et" and "en", "det" and "den". You can even attach the article to the end of nouns to mark them as definite or indefinite. Definite and indefinite nouns are often pronounced with a different form. This makes learning Danish as a second language difficult for many people. For this reason, we entrust the translation of your texts exclusively to native speaking translators. They are familiar with the details and unique features of the Danish language and can translate your texts with pinpoint accuracy.

Instant quote

The translation service that leaves nothing left for improvement!

In some cases merely translating a document is not enough. Especially during complex and lengthy projects, it’s vital to invest in the translation process and simultaneously strengthen your Corporate Identity. This is a job for our experienced terminologists. They create a translation memory, which contains your company’s terminology thereby promoting uniform, consistent language. Not even rushed orders give us a run for our money. For cases like these, we are happy to work with a team of translators who collaborate on your project.

How much does a translation into Danish cost?

The standard rate for translations from English into Danish is $ 0.16 per word and for translations from Danish into English the industry rate is $ 0.14. For new customers or large texts (more than 5,000 words) we may significantly reduce our rates. For urgent jobs that need several translators working simultaneously, we'll apply a surcharge. For a full list of rates per language, please visit Order here.

België Deens
Nederland Deens
Sverige Danska
United States Danish
Deutschland Dänisch
Россия Переводы на датский
Norge Dansk
España Servicios de traducción de danés
Danmark Dansk
France Danois
Österreich Dänisch
Schweiz Dänisch
United Kingdom Danish
Ireland Danish
Suomi Tanska