High quality translations into and from Nepali

Nepali belongs to the Indo-European language family and is spoken in Nepal, Bhutan, the Indian State of Sikkim, Darjeeling, and Tibet by a cumulative number of about 17 million people. The actual number of Nepali speakers is assumed to be much higher, however, because Nepali has been a well-established and common language for centuries in the Central and Eastern Himalayas.

Nepali: a mixture of dialects

Nepali boasts official and national language status in Nepal. Still, only slightly more than half of the population can speak and understand the language. The rest speak Newari, Hindi, or one of 20 regional dialects.

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The structure of the Nepalese language

Nepali dates back to the very early Middle Ages. The language’s sentence structure is relatively simple in that it always follows the subject-object-verb (SOV) pattern. Even questions maintain this sentence structure because the conversation partner should always be able to answer with “yes” or “no.”

There are four different polite forms in Nepali. Three of these forms are commonly used in everyday life. Verb conjugations change depending upon which polite form is in use. The three most common polite forms in Nepali are of high grade, middle grade, and low grade.

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The high grade of politeness is used whenever you are speaking to persons of a higher social status. You use the middle grade to speak with friends or people who are situated in a lower social class.

The low form is only used with people of a significantly lower social class than the speaker. Using this form of courtesy to address a conversation partner implies a highly intimate and close relationship between him and the speaker. The low grade polite form is also used when speaking to children and animals.

Aside from these, there still remains an extremely high polite form, as well as a special form of address that contains a title. The last two polite forms discussed are hardly ever used together in everyday language.

Make sure your translations are not insulting!

In order to accurately translate a text into or from Nepali, a translator must be aware of these special cultural aspects. That is why we employ exclusively native-speaking translators who have been raised with the language. Otherwise, you run the risk of insulting your targeted readers.

Our translators also possess core competencies in various subject areas, enabling us to provide perfect translations of medical, technological, and even legal texts.

Additionally, we have native English speakers who are fluent in Nepali and can translate your Nepali texts into English. We frequently provide certified translations of birth certificates, medical licenses, tax records, etc. for U.S. government entities. Of course, we have translators available for most any language combination. Our database of professionals is very extensive.

See what we can do by contacting our experienced project managers via phone, email, or the convenient quote form. You will soon receive a no-obligation price quote.

Read more: Mongolian / Tibetan

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