Technical translations

We are a leading provider of technical translations – from work instructions, technical service manuals, or instructions of use to technical audit reports. Our technical translators are exclusively native-speaking technology experts, so you can be sure that your documents are translated at the highest level.

The price for a technical translation

We work with closely calculated and competitive prices. For a detailed listing, see the menu option Prices. When you select the target language for your document, the price for the translation into the respective language appears. Thanks to our solid base of translators and our knowledge of the market, we can offer you reasonable prices, which are often below the price level of other translation agencies.

Speed and quality

When you entrust us with your technical translation, you get the text back in your hands quickly. We take advantage of the different time zones in which our translators work, which often allows us to have your translation done while you sleep. Then, it’s in your in-box when you get up in the morning.

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