Swedish translations by specialist translators

Our company has an enormous selection of experienced and specialised translators at its disposal, people who translate exclusively into their native language. Each one of our Swedish translators specialises in a different field. This means that we use legal translators for all legal texts, such as contracts and general terms and conditions. Translators with a medical background will be used for subjects such as clinical trials and patient information, and translators with a technical background will take care of all user instruction manuals or IT instructions, depending on their particular specialisations. We are careful to find the right translator for each job, irrespective of whether it concerns the translation of books, contracts, magazine articles, financial reports, user instructions, or the daily correspondence with your partners in Sweden.

General information about the Swedish language

Swedish is a Scandinavian language that forms part of the Germanic language group. It is therefore also part of the Indo-European language family. Swedish isn’t just the official language of Sweden, but is also used in parts of Finland. Finland has legally established the fact that Swedish has the same status as Finnish as an official language at a national level.

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Swedish is the native language of some 8.5 million people. Approximately eight million of these live in Sweden and around 290.000 in Finland (5.5% of the population), where they represent the Swedish-speaking minority.

For more information about a translation into Swedish, or any other language, please feel free to contact us.