The Russian-Korean translation agency

If you have business connections with South Korea or if you are looking for someone to help you translate Russian documents into Korean for another reason, you have come to the right place. Our agency has been translating documents for years in all sorts of language combinations.

Our translators

Our translators are all specialists in certain fields of expertise. We have translators who are dedicated to the translation of technical specifications, for instance, but also those who specialise in marketing or in art and culture. Furthermore, we only work with translators who are native speakers of the target language. In the case of translations out of Russian and into Korean, a Korean native speaker with an affinity with the document’s subject matter will always work on the translation.

No-obligation quotation

If you have any questions, need more information, or have any problems at all, our project managers are available every day to help you out. If you get in touch with them by telephone, they will be happy to help you.

Instant quotation
United Kingdom Russian-Korean